import { useContext } from "react";
import { MessageInputContext } from "stream-chat-react-native";
const { sendMessage, toggleAttachmentPicker } = useContext(MessageInputContext);
is provided by Channel
component. If you are not familiar with React Context API, please read about it on React docs.
Basic Usage
can be consumed by any of the child component of Channel
component as following:
Alternatively, you can also use useMessageInputContext
hook provided by library to consume MessageInputContext.
import { useMessageInputContext } from "stream-chat-react-native";
const { sendMessage, toggleAttachmentPicker } = useMessageInputContext();
Additional props provided to the underlying TextInput within MessageInput
Type |
object |
Controls how many pixels to the top side the user has to scroll in order to lock the recording view and allow the user to lift their finger from the screen without stopping the recording.
Type | Default |
Number | 50 |
Controls the minimum duration(in milliseconds) that the user has to press on the record button in the composer, in order to start recording a new voice message.
Type | Default |
Number | 500 |
When it’s enabled, recorded messages won’t be sent immediately. Instead they will “stack up” in the composer allowing the user to send multiple voice recording as part of the same message.
Type | Default |
Boolean | true |
Controls how many pixels to the leading side the user has to scroll in order to cancel the recording of a voice message.
Type | Default |
Number | 100 |
Controls whether the feature is enabled.
Type | Default |
Boolean | false |
Maximum number of suggestions to display as part of autocomplete feature within input box.
Type | Default |
Number | 10 |
Function that returns the trigger settings for the auto complete input.
Type | Default |
function | ACITriggerSettings |
Function to clear “Editing Message” state from MessageInput component.
Type |
Function |
Function to clear “Add Quoted Reply” state from MessageInput component.
Type |
Function |
Image compression quality prior to uploading.
On iOS values of 0.8 and above don’t reduce the quality noticeably in most images. A value of 0.8 will reduce the file size in iOS by approximately half compared to a value of 1.
Type | Default |
number 0 to 1 (1 is best quality) | iOS: 0.8 Android: 1 |
The time at which the active cool-down will end.
Type |
Date |
Override of the file upload request when a user selects a file from the file picker.
The function must return a Promise
that is resolved to an object with the key file
that is the URL of the uploaded file.
This can be used to store file attachments in your own custom CDN.
Type |
function |
Parameter | Description |
file | { name, size, type, uri } |
channel | current channel instance |
Override of the image upload request when a user selects an image from the image picker.
The function must return a Promise
that is resolved to an object with the key file
that is the URL of the uploaded image.
This can be used to store image attachments in your own custom CDN.
Type |
function |
Parameter | Description |
image | { name, uri } |
channel | current channel instance |
Defined with message type if the user is editing some message within MessageInput
component else its undefined.
Type |
Message | undefined |
Handles the edit message event on the message input by taking the new message as input and updating the message for the client.
Type |
Function | null |
Parameter | Description |
message | message the action is called on |
userId | The channel ID |
Prop to override the default emoji search index in AutoCompleteSuggestionList.
Read this guide to know how it works.
Type |
Object |
Function to customize the behaviour when the AttachButton is pressed in the message input.
Type |
() => void |
Enable the file picker on the MessageInput
Type | Default |
Boolean | true |
Enable commands on the MessageInput
Type | Default |
boolean | true |
Enable the file picker on the MessageInput
Type | Default |
Boolean | true |
Enable the image picker on the MessageInput
Type | Default |
Boolean | true |
The initial value for the MessageInput
Type |
string |
Maximum length of the message text. The default value is supplied by the channel config.
Type |
number |
Maximum number of files (documents & images), that can be attached per message.
Type | Default |
number | 10 |
Allows any of the app users to be mentioned in a message, as part of autocomplete feature within input box. By default only members of channel can be mentioned while composing a message.
Type | Default |
boolean | false |
Query to be used for searching users as part of autocomplete mention feature within input box. Please check the Querying Users docs for more details on filters/sort/options.
filters: {
id: {
$in: ['vishal', 'lucas']
sort: {},
options: {}
Type |
object |
Maximum number of lines that underlying TextInput
component within MessageInput
should expand to.
Type | Default |
number | 5 |
Callback that is called when the text input’s text changes.
Type |
function |
Parameter | Description |
text | changed text |
Message that is quoted to the original message
Type |
Message | undefined |
Sends a composed message within MessageInput
component to channel. This function is attached to onPress
handler of SendButton
. The message optimistically gets added to message list UI first, before actually making API call to server.
During this intermediate stage, MessageStatus component will display an indicator for “pending” state.
Type |
Function |
Appends text to existing text entered by user in MessageInput
Type |
(text) => void |
Dismiss the attachment picker, if its already open.
Type |
Function |
List of file
type attachments currently attached to message, which is being composed in MessageInput
file: {
name: 'test.pdf';
size: 2000;
type: 'application/pdf';
uri: 'file-uri';
id: 'asdas232bk3jb42k3';
state: 'uploaded'; // or 'finished'
url: '';
Type |
Array |
True if a user selects the giphy
command from commands list (which is shown when you type a /
in the input box).
This value is set back to false
when the user sends the message for searching Giphy.
Type |
Boolean |
List of image
type attachments currently attached to message, which is being composed in MessageInput
file: { name: "fallback-name.jpeg" },
id: "2j3n4k23nj4k23n4k3",
state: "finished", // or 'uploading'
url: "", // If the state is `uploading`, then this will be a local uri of image.
Type |
Array |
Ref for TextInput
component within MessageInput
Type |
React ref |
False if text within input box is empty and no images or files have been attached to a message yet. You can use this value to add enabled/disabled UI state on SendMessage button.
Type |
Boolean |
Ids of users which are mentioned (for example Hey @Vishal Narkhede, how are you
) in a message, which is being composed in MessageInput component.
["vishal-user-id", "jaap-user-id"];
Type |
String[] |
Number of image + files attached to message which is being composed in MessageInput
Type |
Number |
Opens the attachment picker bottom sheet, if its not open.
Type |
Function |
Opens the commands picker box. By default, this function is attached to onPress
handler for CommandsButton
Type |
Function |
Opens the file picker. By default, this function is attached to onPress
handler for FileAttachmentIcon
Type |
Function |
Opens the user mentions autocomplete popup. When user types @
in input box, internally this function gets called.
Type |
Function |
Opens the native image picker and uploads the selected image.
Type |
() => Promise<void> |
Removes attached file in message, which is being composed in MessageInput
component. By default, this function is attached to onPress
handler for close button in FileUploadPreview.
It takes a string ID of the file to be removed in the fileUploads
array as parameter.
Type |
(id: string) => void |
Removes an attached image in a message being composed in the MessageInput
component. By default, this function is attached to onPress
handler for close button in ImageUploadPreview.
It takes a string ID of the image to be removed in the imageUploads
array as parameter.
Type |
(id: string) => void |
Resets the entire MessageInput
component to empty state by clearing the text, attachments etc.
Type |
Function |
Value is images
(string), when image attachment picker is open. Value will be undefined
if file picker is active or file picker is open.
Type |
’images’ | undefined |
This value is only applicable to Thread
component. When value sendThreadMessageInChannel
is true, message gets sent from MessageInput
component with property show_in_channel: true
This value is attached to the checkbox (with label “Also Send To Channel”) in MessageInput
component within Thread
Type |
Boolean |
Setter function for fileUploads
Type |
(files) => void |
Setter function for giphyActive
Type |
(isActive) => void |
Setter function for imageUploads
Type |
(images) => void |
Setter function for inputBoxRef
Type |
(ref) => void |
Setter function for mentionedUsers
Type |
(mentionedUsers) => void |
Setter function for numberOfUploads
Type |
(numberOfUploads) => void |
Setter function for setSendThreadMessageInChannel
Type |
(sendThreadMessageInChannel) => void |
Setter function for showMoreOptions
Type |
(showMoreOptions) => void |
Setter function for text
Type |
(text) => void |
Represents the expanded or collapsed state for attach and commands button, next to input box.
Type |
Boolean |
Function to click an image using the device camera and upload it.
Type |
() => Promise<void> |
Text message entered by user in underlying TextInput
within MessageInput
This value is attached to TextInput
’s value prop
Type |
String |
Can be either a MessageType
object or a ThreadType
that when set indicates a thread is open.
Both of the types may be used interchangeably.
When used with the Thread
component this will display the thread.
When used with the standard MessageList
component this will prevent any singleton components in the OverlayProvider
form getting out of sync.
should be set on all Channel
components when a thread is open.
Type |
object |
Function to toggle attachment picker. By default, this function is attached to onPress
handler for AttachButton
Type |
Function |
Trigger settings for the auto complete input.
Type | Default |
Object | TriggerSettings |
This function is a counterpart of sendMessage
, for the case of editing a message. This function is attached to SendButton
when some existing message is being updated.
Similar to sendMessage
function, the message will be updated in message list UI first, before making API call to update the message.
Type |
Function |
This function is used internally by uploadNewFile
function, and is used for purpose retry mechanism.
Type |
Function |
This function is used internally by uploadNewImage
function, and is used for purpose retry mechanism.
Type |
Function |
Function to upload an attached file in MessageInput
. This function adds a file to fileUploads
array and calls channel.sendFile
This function takes a file from react-native-document-picker or @react-native-documents/picker as parameter.
Type |
(file) => Promise |
If you’re using React Native >=0.78.0
please make sure to use @react-native-documents/picker
as react-native-document-picker
will not compile for Android
While react-native-document-picker
should still be compatible with versions up to 0.78.0
, it is no longer maintained and we recommend switching to the new one as early as possible; as we are going to remove compatibility for it in the next major release.
Support for @react-native-documents/picker
exists for versions >=6.6.7
of the SDK.
Function to upload an attached image in MessageInput
. This function takes a image from imageUploads
array as a parameter.
Type |
(image) => Promise |
Component to render the attach button next to input box.
Type | Default |
ComponentType | AttachButton |
Component prop used to customize the audio attachment upload preview when its uploading/uploaded in the MessageInput
Type | Default |
ComponentType | AudioAttachment |
Custom UI component to render audio recorder controls in MessageInput.
Type | Default |
ComponentType | AudioRecorder |
Custom UI component to render audio recording in progress in MessageInput. It renders the waveform, duration etc, for the recording.
Type | Default |
ComponentType | AudioRecordingInProgress |
Custom UI component to render audio recording lock indicator in MessageInput that can be dragged up to lock the recording start.
Type | Default |
ComponentType | AudioRecordingLockIndicator |
Custom UI component to render audio recording preview in MessageInput that allows playing the recording.
Type | Default |
ComponentType | AudioRecordingPreview |
Custom UI component to render audio recording waveform in MessageInput.
Type | Default |
ComponentType | AudioRecordingWaveform |
Component to render button next to input box, which when pressed opens commands list.
Type | Default |
ComponentType | CommandsButton |
Component to render preview of attached file, within enclosed MessageInput
Type | Default |
ComponentType | FileUploadPreview |
Component to render preview of attached images, within enclosed MessageInput component
Type | Default |
ComponentType | ImageUploadPreview |
Component to render UI part of enclosed MessageInput component. Please read section in guides about Customizing Message Input.
Type |
ComponentType |
Component to render action buttons (CommandsButton and AttachButton) on left side of input box, within enclosed MessageInput
Type | Default |
ComponentType | InputButtons |
Component to render a button within enclosed MessageInput, which when pressed shows more options such as AttachButton, CommandsButton.
Type | Default |
ComponentType | MoreOptionsButton |
Component to render a send message button, within enclosed MessageInput component.
Type | Default |
ComponentType | SendButton |
Component to render indicator stating send message feature is not allowed for current user.
Type | Default |
ComponentType | SendMessageDisallowedIndicator |
Component to render a checkbox within enclosed Thread component, which when checked sets a show_in_channel
property to true on a message.
Type | Default |
ComponentType | ShowThreadMessageInChannelButton |
Custom UI component for audio recording mic button in MessageInput.
Type | Default |
ComponentType | StartAudioRecordingButton |
Component to render progress indicator on ImageUploadPreview
and FileUploadPreview
components, as overlay.
Type | Default |
ComponentType | UploadProgressIndicator |
Function called whenever the close button is pressed on the poll creation modal. Has no effect if PollCreateContent
is custom.
Type |
function |
A boolean signifying whether the poll creation dialog is shown or not. Will always be false
if PollCreateContent
is custom.
Type |
boolean |
- Basic Usage
- Value
- additionalTextInputProps
- ayncMessagesLockDistance
- ayncMessagesMinimumPressDuration
- ayncMessagesMultiSendEnabled
- ayncMessagesSlideToCancelDistance
- audioRecordingEnabled
- autoCompleteSuggestionsLimit
- autoCompleteTriggerSettings
- clearEditingState
- clearQuotedMessageState
- compressImageQuality
- cooldownEndsAt
- doDocUploadRequest
- doImageUploadRequest
- editing
- editMessage
- emojiSearchIndex
- handleAttachButtonPress
- hasCameraPicker
- hasCommands
- hasFilePicker
- hasImagePicker
- initialValue
- maxMessageLength
- maxNumberOfFiles
- mentionAllAppUsersEnabled
- mentionAllAppUsersQuery
- numberOfLines
- onChangeText
- quotedMessage
- sendImageAsync
- sendMessage
- appendText
- closeAttachmentPicker
- fileUploads
- giphyActive
- imageUploads
- inputBoxRef
- isValidMessage
- mentionedUsers
- numberOfUploads
- openAttachmentPicker
- openCommandsPicker
- openFilePicker
- openMentionsPicker
- pickAndUploadImageFromNativePicker
- removeFile
- removeImage
- resetInput
- selectedPicker
- sendThreadMessageInChannel
- setFileUploads
- setGiphyActive
- setImageUploads
- setInputBoxRef
- setMentionedUsers
- setNumberOfUploads
- setSendThreadMessageInChannel
- setShowMoreOptions
- setText
- showMoreOptions
- takeAndUploadImage
- text
- thread
- toggleAttachmentPicker
- triggerSettings
- updateMessage
- uploadFile
- uploadImage
- uploadNewFile
- uploadNewImage
- AttachButton
- AudioAttachmentUploadPreview
- AudioRecorder
- AudioRecordingInProgress
- AudioRecordingLockIndicator
- AudioRecordingPreview
- AudioRecordingWaveform
- CommandsButton
- FileUploadPreview
- ImageUploadPreview
- Input
- InputButtons
- MoreOptionsButton
- SendButton
- SendMessageDisallowedIndicator
- ShowThreadMessageInChannelButton
- StartAudioRecordingButton
- UploadProgressIndicator
- closePollCreationDialog
- showPollCreationDialog