Client & Authentication

Before joining a call, it is necessary to set up the video client. Here’s a basic example:

  1. Create the IStreamVideoClient instance

    _client = StreamVideoClient.CreateDefaultClient();
  2. Connect user to the Stream API

    var authCredentials = new AuthCredentials("api-key", "user-id", "user-token");
    await _client.ConnectUserAsync(authCredentials);
  • The API Key can be found in your Stream dashboard.
  • The User can be either authenticated, anonymous or guest.
  • Note: You can store custom data on the user object, if required.

Here’s a complete example of a MonoBehaviour that initiates the client and connects to the Stream API:

using System;
using StreamVideo.Core;
using StreamVideo.Libs.Auth;
using UnityEngine;

public class VideoClient : MonoBehaviour
    async void Start()
        _client = StreamVideoClient.CreateDefaultClient();

            var authCredentials = new AuthCredentials("api-key", "user-id", "user-token");
            await _client.ConnectUserAsync(authCredentials);

            // After we awaited the ConnectUserAsync the client is connected
        catch (Exception e)

    private IStreamVideoClient _client;

Generating a token

Tokens provide a way to authenticate a user or give access to a specific set of calls. They’re similar to passwords but offer more flexibility, allowing you to set the expiry date. For security reasons, tokens need to be generated server-side. Typically, you integrate this into the part of your codebase where you login or register users. You can use our server-side SDKs to easily add support for this. For detailed instruction, refer to our server-side docs on installation and creating-users-and-user-tokens.

Here’s a valid user and token to help you get started on the client side before integrating with your backend API:

Here are credentials to try out the app with:

API Keymmhfdzb5evj2
User IDAhsoka_Tano
Call IDpYvp4g5NmWYz

Client options

Here’s an example showing how you can pass configuration options through the StreamClientConfig instance passed to the CreateDefaultClient method:

var config = new StreamClientConfig
    // Enabling Debug level logging can be helpful during development
    LogLevel = StreamLogLevel.Debug,
    Audio =
        // Increase audio quality in exchange for higher bandwidth
        EnableRed = false,

        // DTX encodes silence at lower bitrate. This can save bandwidth
        EnableDtx = false
_client = StreamVideoClient.CreateDefaultClient(config);
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