
The CallContent is the highest-level UI component that allows you to build your own call screen with full UI elements. So you don’t need to take care much about each feature that you need to build a video call screen with this component.

Basically what you can do with the CallContent is:

  • A full call screen with multiple UI elements, such as the top view, participants grid, and control action buttons.
  • Handles the state and actions of enabling and disabling camera, microphone, and speakerphone.
  • Renders screen sharing.
  • Display participant information, such as network quality, name, microphone states, and reactions.
  • Renders video of the participant.
  • Allows changing layout from grid to spotlight.

Based on the call state, the CallContent provides a list or grid of participants, with their avatars and names, or a video if they’re publishing, with more information for each participant, like their connection quality, etc.

Call Content Grid

Call Content Grid 3 Participants

Call Content Spotlight

General usage

Let’s see how to show the CallContent UI:

import {
} from "@stream-io/video-react-native-sdk";

const VideoCallUI = () => {
  let call: Call;
  // your logic to create a new call or get an existing call

  return (
    <StreamCall call={call}>
      <CallContent />

Please ensure the CallContent component isn’t remounted during a call to avoid occasional audio loss. We’re aware of this issue and working on a solution.



This switches the list between the grid and the spotlight mode.

TypeDefault Value
grid | spotlightgrid

When a screen is shared, the layout automatically changes to spotlight mode.


Applies the landscape mode styles to the component, if true.

boolean | undefined


Handler to be called when the call is left using the hangup call button in call controls.

() => void | undefined


Reactions that are to be supported in the call. The following reactions are supported by default:

  • 🤣 Rolling on the floor laughing
  • 👍 like
  • 👎 Dislike
  • 🎉 fireworks
  • 🙌 Raised hands
  • ✋ Raised hand
StreamReactionType & { icon: string }[]


Prop to customize the CallControls component.

TypeDefault Value
ComponentType| undefinedCallControls


Component to customize the Label of the participant.

TypeDefault Value
ComponentType| undefinedParticipantLabel


Component to customize the component that displays the reaction of the participant.

TypeDefault Value
ComponentType| undefinedParticipantReaction


Component to customize the video fallback of the participant, when the video is disabled.

TypeDefault Value
ComponentType| undefinedParticipantVideoFallback


Component to customize the network quality indicator of the participant.

TypeDefault Value
ComponentType| undefinedParticipantNetworkQualityIndicator


Component to customize the video component of the participant. It is also responsible to display the ParticipantVideoFallback.

TypeDefault Value
ComponentType| undefinedVideoRenderer


Prop to customize the ParticipantView component entirely.

TypeDefault Value
ComponentType| undefinedParticipantView


Prop to customize the FloatingParticipantView component.

TypeDefault Value
ComponentType| undefinedFloatingParticipantView


Prop to customize the CallParticipantsList component.

TypeDefault Value
ComponentType| undefinedCallParticipantsList


Component to customize the screen share overlay, when the screen is shared by a user.

TypeDefault Value
ComponentType| undefinedScreenShareOverlay


Property to set the audio mode for the InCallManager. If media type is video, audio is routed by default to speaker, otherwise it is routed to earpiece. Changing the mode on the fly is not supported. Manually invoke InCallManager.start({ media }) to achieve this.

TypeDefault Value
video| audiovideo


If you’re looking for guides on how to override and customize this UI, we have various UI Cookbook recipes for you:

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