@Injected(\.callKitAdapter) var callKitAdapter
let streamVideo = StreamVideo(
apiKey: apiKey,
user: user,
token: token,
tokenProvider: { _ in }
callKitAdapter.streamVideo = streamVideo
CallKit integration
CallKit allows us to have system-level phone integration. With that, we can use CallKit to present native incoming call screens, even when the app is closed. CallKit integration also enables the calls made through third-party apps be displayed in the phone’s recent call list in the Phone app.
The StreamVideo SDK is compatible with CallKit, enabling a complete calling experience for your users.
In order to get started, you would need have a paid Apple developer account, and an app id with push notifications enabled.
In the “Signing & Capabilities” section of your target, make sure that in the “Background Modes” section you have selected:
- “Voice over IP”
- “Remote notifications”
- “Background processing”
Next, you need to create a VoIP calling certificate. In order to do that, go to your Apple developer account, select “Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles” and create a new certificate. Make sure to select VoIP Services Certificate
, located under the “Services” section. Follow the steps to create the required certificate.
After you’ve created the certificate, you would need to convert the aps.cer
file to a.p12 certificate file using keychain access and upload it to our dashboard.
Make sure that you configure no password for the p12 file.
Dashboard Configuration
In order to configure VoIP Push Notifications, you need to visit your app’s dashboard. From there, select the Push Notifications
menu option as you can see in the image below:
From there you can create a new configuration by clicking the New Configuration
button. After selecting the Push Notification Provider you want, you will be asked to provide the following information:
Field Name | Usage description |
Name | Used to select this configuration in SDK or API calls. |
Description | Allows you to set a description on the configuration to help identify its usage in your app’s context. |
Bundle/Topic ID | Your app’s bundle id to which the notification will be pushed to. |
TeamID | The Team ID is generated by Apple for your developer account. Can be found in the top right of your Apple developer account. |
KeyID | This is the unique identifier for the p8 authentication key. You can find your Key ID in the keys section of your Apple developer account. |
.p8 Token or .p12 Certificate | The token or certificate that will be used to send the push notification. |
For our example, we are using voip
as name and we are filling the remaining information as you can see in the image below:
iOS app integration
From iOS app perspective, there are two Apple frameworks that we need to integrate in order to have a working CallKit integration: CallKit
and PushKit
. PushKit is needed for handling VoIP push notifications, which are different than regular push notifications.
We have a working CallKit integration in our demo app. Feel free to reference it for more details, while we will cover the most important bits here.
In order for the CallKit integration to work, you should have a logged in user into your app. For simplicity, we are saving the user in the UserDefaults
, but we strongly discourage that in production apps, since it’s not secure.
CallKit integration
The StreamVideo SDK provides you with the tools for an easy integration with CallKit. Let’ see how:
Logging in
Firstly, whenever our user logs in and we instantiate a new StreamVideo object, we need to pass it to the CallKitAdapter
The CallKitAdapter
is a helper class from the Stream Video SDK that simplifies the integration with CallKit. It handles registration for incoming calls, state and call settings handling.
In the next (and final step) we are going to instruct the CallKitAdapter
to register for VoIP push notifications. We can do that in our SwiftUI onAppear
block as below:
struct MyCustomView: View {
@Injected(\.callKitAdapter) var callKitAdapter
var body: some View {
EmptyView() // Your content goes here.
.onAppear {
// Here we can also inject an image (e.g. a logo) that will be used
// by CallKit's UI.
callKitAdapter.iconTemplateImageData = UIImage(named: "logo")?.pngData()
or if you are using UIKit
, you can do the same in your UIViewController
as below:
final class MyCustomViewController: UIViewController {
@Injected(\.callKitAdapter) var callKitAdapter
override func viewDidLoad() {
callKitAdapter.iconTemplateImageData = UIImage(named: "logo")?.pngData()
Finally, you can provide a ringtone to be used when receiving a CallKit call. In the example below we are going to use the same ringtone as we use when receiving calls while the app is running.
import StreamVideoSwiftUI
struct MyCustomView: View {
@Injected(\.callKitAdapter) var callKitAdapter
@Injected(\.sounds) var sounds
var body: some View {
EmptyView() // Your content goes here.
.onAppear {
// Here we register for incomingCalls and provide
// a logo as we did on the previous example
// Provide the ringtone to use when a CallKit call is ringing
callKitAdapter.ringtoneSound = sounds.incomingCallSound
Here we are using the ringtone that we have set in the Sounds
configuration class. It’s important to note that the string provided to CallKitAdapter.ringtoneSound
should be the name for a resource in the application’s bundle.
Registering for VoIP Push Notifications
Even though using the CallKitAdapter
abstracts most of the CallKit
& PushKit
complexity from you, there is still a need for you to register/unregister the deviceToken.
You can observe the voIP
token value by accessing the deviceToken
property on the CallKitPushNotificationAdapter
. Whenever the value changes, you should register it with StreamVideo, like below:
@Injected(\.streamVideo) var streamVideo
@Injected(\.callKitPushNotificationAdapter) var callKitPushNotificationAdapter
var lastVoIPToken: String?
var voIPTokenObservationCancellable: AnyCancellable?
voIPTokenObservationCancellable = callKitPushNotificationAdapter.$deviceToken.sink { [streamVideo] updatedDeviceToken in
Task {
do {
if let lastVoIPToken, !lastVoIPToken.isEmpty {
try await streamVideo.deleteDevice(id: lastVoIPToken)
if !updatedDeviceToken.isEmpty {
try await streamVideo.setVoipDevice(id: updatedDeviceToken)
lastVoIPToken = updatedDeviceToken
} catch {
By using the provided CallKit
integration tools you can start receiving VoIP push notifications in a breeze.
If you would like to use your integration, there is no need to worry about StreamVideo
SDK’s integration. The integration is only initialized when you set the CallKitAdapter.streamVideo
Call display name
The Stream backend fills 2 properties in the VoIP push notification payload that can be used as the display name of the call.
- call_display_name
is a calculated property that evaluates the following customData fields on the Call object, in the order they are being presented: display_name
let call = streamVideo.call(callType: "default", callId: UUID().uuidString)
let result = try await call.create(
memberIds: members,
custom: ["display_name": .string("My awesome group")],
ring: true
If none of the fields above are being set, the property will be an empty string.
- created_by_display_name The property is always set and contains the name of the user who created the call.
Call Settings when accepting a call
Depending on your business logic, you may need users to join call with different CallSettings
(e.g audioOn=true, while videoOn=false). In order to achieve that when using the CallKitAdapter
you can provide your custom CallSettings
at any point before you receive a call:
@Injected(\.callKitAdapter) var callKitAdapter
callKitAdapter.callSettings = CallSettings(audioOn: true, videoOn: false)
Call’s type suffix
Depending on the Call
type CallKit
adds a suffix in the push notification’s subtitle (which contains the application name). That suffix can either be Audio
or Video
. CallKitService
gets this information from the VoIP notification payload, if the creator of the call has provided on call creation.
Unregistering a VoIP device token
In order to unregister the device from receiving VoIP push notifications we need to simply call the CallKitAdapter
and update its streamVideo
property with nil
struct MyCustomView: View {
@Injected(\.streamVideo) var streamVideo
@Injected(\.callKitAdapter) var callKitAdapter
@Injected(\.callKitPushNotificationAdapter) var callKitPushNotificationAdapter
var body: some View {
Button {
let deviceToken = callKitPushNotificationAdapter.deviceToken
if !deviceToken.isEmpty {
Task {
// Unregister the device token
try await streamVideo.deleteDevice(id: deviceToken)
// Perform any other logout operations
callKitAdapter.streamVideo = nil
} label: {
By doing that, the CallKitAdapter
will make sure to unregister the VoIP
token from receiving notifications.
Unregistering for VoIP Push Notifications
VoIP push notification are being unregistered once you pass a nil
value to CallKitAdapter.streamVideo
. At that moment, your callKitPushNotificationAdapter.deviceToken
observer will receive a final call with an empty token. The code we added above, will handle this case and remove the device
from the logged out user’s account.
The StreamVideo SDK includes a flexible mechanism for managing CallKit availability policies. These policies determine whether CallKit should be enabled based on specific conditions, such as the user’s region or custom business rules.
The always policy ensures that CallKit is always available, regardless of any external factors like location or app-specific conditions. This policy is suitable for apps that require CallKit functionality across all regions without restrictions.
@Injected(\.callKitAdapter) var callKitAdapter
callKitAdapter.availabilityPolicy = .always
The regionBased policy enables CallKit availability based on the user’s current region. Certain regions, such as China (CN or CHN), are explicitly excluded from using CallKit to comply with regional regulations. This policy is ideal for apps that must adhere to region-specific restrictions on CallKit usage.
@Injected(\.callKitAdapter) var callKitAdapter
callKitAdapter.availabilityPolicy = .regionBased
The .regionBased
availability policy is the one that being used by default from the StreamVideo SDK.
The custom policy allows you to define a tailored implementation of CallKit availability. This is achieved by conforming to the CallKitAvailabilityPolicyProtocol
and specifying custom logic in the isAvailable property. This policy is for applications with complex requirements that go beyond regional or global availability.
Here you can see an example policy that makes CallKit
available based on the User subscription type:
struct MyCustomAvailabilityPolicy: CallKitAvailabilityPolicyProtocol {
var isAvailable: Bool {
// Example: Enable CallKit only for premium users
return UserManager.currentUser?.isPremium == true
@Injected(\.callKitAdapter) var callKitAdapter
callKitAdapter.availabilityPolicy = .custom(MyCustomAvailabilityPolicy())
Starting a call from Recents
When a call is started via CallKit
, it appears in the “Recents” section in the native iOS phone app. Usually, when you tap on a recents entry, you should be able to call the person again.
For this, we need to add a INStartCallIntent
intent extension. To do this, go to your targets in Xcode and add a new “Intents Extension”.
After the extension is created, go to its IntentHandler
and add the following code:
import Intents
class IntentHandler: INExtension, INStartCallIntentHandling {
override func handler(for intent: INIntent) -> Any {
return self
func handle(intent: INStartCallIntent, completion: @escaping (INStartCallIntentResponse) -> Void) {
let userActivity = NSUserActivity(activityType: NSStringFromClass(INStartCallIntent.self))
let response = INStartCallIntentResponse(code: .continueInApp, userActivity: userActivity)
In the Info.plist
file of the extension, add the INStartCallIntent
value in IntentsSupported
, under NSExtension
-> NSExtensionAttributes
With this setup, our app has the ability to react to INStartCallIntent
s. Next, let’s handle these intents in our SwiftUI code.
In the CallView
in our DemoApp, we are adding the following code:
var body: some View {
HomeView(viewModel: viewModel)
.modifier(CallModifier(viewModel: viewModel))
perform: {
userActivity in
let interaction = userActivity.interaction
if let callIntent = interaction?.intent as? INStartCallIntent {
let contact = callIntent.contacts?.first
guard let name = contact?.personHandle?.value else { return }
callType: .default,
callId: UUID().uuidString,
members: [.init(userId: name)],
ring: true,
// video: A boolean indicating if the call
// will be video or only audio. Still requires
// appropriate setting of ``CallSettings`.`
video: true
The important part is the onContinueUserActivity
, where we listen to INStartCallIntent
s. In the closure, we are extracting the first contact and take their name, which is the user id. We use that name to start a ringing call.
Additionally, if you have integration with the native contacts on iOS (Contacts
framework), you can extract the full name, phone number etc, and use those to provide more details for the members. Alternatively, you can call our queryUsers
method to get more user information that’s available on the Stream backend.
If you are using UIKit, you should implement the method application(_ application: UIApplication, continue userActivity: NSUserActivity, restorationHandler: @escaping ([UIUserActivityRestoring]?) -> Void)
in your AppDelegate
, and provide a similar handling as in the SwiftUI sample.