

All Stream Android libraries are available from MavenCentral, so you may not need to do an additional setup.

Before you add Stream dependencies, update your repositories in the settings.gradle file to include these two repositories:

dependencyResolutionManagement {
    repositories {

Or if you’re using an older project setup, add these repositories in your project level build.gradle file:

allprojects {
    repositories {

Check the Releases page for the latest version and the changelog.

Stream Video Android Core

Available Artifacts

Core Client

To add the low-level Video client library to your app, open your module’s build.gradle script and add the following:

dependencies {

Compose Video UI Components

To use the Compose Video Components instead, add the following dependency:

dependencies {

Adding the Compose Video Components library as a dependency will automatically include the client library.

Push Notifications

We ship multiple artifacts to easily integrate Stream Video with third party push notification providers. See the Push Notification page for more details.

Video Filters

We offer two AI video filters (background blur and virtual background) in a separate artifact. See the Video & Audio Filters page for more details.

BOM (Bill of Materials)

The Stream Video Bill of Materials (BOM) simplifies dependency management by allowing you to specify only the BOM’s version, ensuring compatibility across all Stream Video SDKs. The BOM references stable versions of the SDKs that work seamlessly together, eliminating the need to manually specify versions for individual dependencies. When you update the BOM version, all associated libraries automatically update to their latest compatible versions, streamlining the upgrade process.

dependencies {
    // Import the Stream Video SDK BOM


Snapshot Builds

Snapshot builds contain are published for the develop branch. Please don’t use Snapshot builds in production as they aren’t as well tested as our regular releases.

To use snapshot builds, you need to add the Sonatype snapshot repository in your Gradle build configuration (see at the top of this page for where to add this):


Then you can add a snapshot dependency on any of our artifacts, replacing the normal version number with a version that has a -SNAPSHOT postfix. Our snapshot version is always one patch version ahead of the latest release we’ve published. If the last stable release was X.Y.Z, the snapshot version would be X.Y.(Z+1)-SNAPSHOT.

You can browse our available snapshot builds in the Sonatype snapshot repo, which you can also check for what the latest available snapshot version is.

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