React Native New Architecture

Starting version 6.0.0 we support the new architecture for the React Native Chat SDK.

To be compatible with the new architecture, it is recommended that you use React Native version 0.75.4 and above for React Native CLI and >=52 for Expo.


On Native CLI, we recommend you to be on the following versions or higher of the peer dependencies to be able to run the new architecture:


Few of the dependencies we rely on are not fully new architecture compatible yet.

  1. react-native-audio-recorder-player and react-native-video work on interop mode.
  2. react-native-document-picker doesn’t support the bridgeless mode. Please use @react-native-documents/picker if you want the bridgeless mode. You can register your own native handler with us using our Native Handler guide.

If you’re using React Native >=0.78.0 please make sure to use @react-native-documents/picker as react-native-document-picker will not compile for Android.

While react-native-document-picker should still be compatible with versions up to 0.78.0, it is no longer maintained and we recommend switching to the new one as early as possible; as we are going to remove compatibility for it in the next major release.

Support for @react-native-documents/picker exists for versions >=6.6.7 of the SDK.

Although the above dependencies are not fully compatible with the new architecture, you can still use them in your project. They doesn’t stop you from building the app on both iOS and Android.

For expo, make sure you are on the latest version of the dependencies with the current expo version you have.

Known issues and limitations

  • The audio recorder is not fully compatible with the new architecture, so you might face some issues while recording the audio and playing it using react-native-audio-recorder-player. We are working on it to fix the issues.
  • The bottom sheet that we are using from the library currently has a bug on any 5.X.X version that closes the bottom sheet immediately the very first time it’s opened. This is a known issue for which we have a patch solution for the time being and is documented on this Github issue on the repo. Until this gets fixed upstream within the library, you can feel free to apply the patch and seeing if it resolves the issue. Lower versions than 5.0.6 are not viable for use due to the fact they’re incompatible with react-native-reanimated.

Please feel free to report any issues you face while using the new architecture.

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