import { registerNativeHandlers } from "stream-chat-react-native";
triggerHaptic: () => null,
Native Handlers
Stream Chat for React Native uses a number of features that require packages that run native code.
Stream Chat for React Native also supports Expo, which has it’s own set of native packages.
To reconcile these differences Stream Chat for React Native is made up of two packages, stream-chat-react-native-core
, and either stream-chat-react-native
or stream-chat-expo
The non core packages call a function from the core package, registerNativeHandlers
, this gives the core package access to different native functions that perform the same task, but are different between Expo and React Native CLI.
Overriding Handlers
If desired, the native handlers can be overridden using registerNativeHandlers
The same function that is called internally to set the handlers can be used to override them.
If the function returns the same type of data as the original function it should seamlessly work with the rest of the SDK.
You should look at the default implementation to ensure any override conforms to the appropriate type definition provided by the SDK.
Haptic feedback is used in the app to indicate certain presses, and within the image viewer to indicate zoom limits are hit. If haptic feedback is not desired in your application you can easily remove it by registering a different handler to the function.
This should be done outside of the component lifecycle to prevent unnecessarily re-registering the same handler repeatedly.
There are the handlers registered as they interact with different native API packages depending on if the SDK being used on Expo or React Native CLI.
The handler used to play audio files and for voice recording.
React Native CLI | Expo |
react-native-audio-recorder-player & react-native-blob-util | expo-av |
A handler that allows you to override the audio recording configuration provided to the Audio
module. It can be used to change the default behaviour and record audio in different formats, qualities and general native behaviours.
It works as a transformer function that takes Audio.audioRecordingConfiguration
as its input and expects the same to be returned (with any modifications) as output. Its return value is then set to audioRecordingConfiguration
on the Audio
singleton instance.
React Native CLI | Expo |
(config: RNCLIAudioRecordingConfiguration) => RNCLIAudioRecordingConfiguration | (config: ExpoAudioRecordingConfiguration) => ExpoAudioRecordingConfiguration |
The appropriate types for the configuration can be found here for RN CLI and here for Expo.
The React Native CLI configuration is in line with the configuration used by the react-native-audio-recorder-player
package, while the Expo one is in line with the expo-av
An async
function that compresses an image and returns the local uri
of the compressed image.
A function that deletes a file at a given local uri
React Native CLI | Expo |
react-native-blob-util | expo-file-system |
A function that gets the local uri
of an image or remote asset.
React Native CLI | Expo |
@react-native-camera-roll/camera-roll | expo-media-library |
A function that returns photos from the camera roll given an offset of after
and a number to retrieve, first
React Native CLI | Expo |
@react-native-camera-roll/camera-roll | expo-media-library |
A function to open the document picker and return documents picked from it.
React Native CLI | Expo |
react-native-document-picker or @react-native-documents/picker | expo-document-picker |
If you’re using React Native >=0.78.0
please make sure to use @react-native-documents/picker
as react-native-document-picker
will not compile for Android
While react-native-document-picker
should still be compatible with versions up to 0.78.0
, it is no longer maintained and we recommend switching to the new one as early as possible; as we are going to remove compatibility for it in the next major release.
Support for @react-native-documents/picker
exists for versions >=6.6.7
of the SDK.
A function to open the native image picker and return images picked from it.
React Native CLI | Expo |
react-native-image-picker | expo-image-picker |
A function to save a file from a URL to local storage.
React Native CLI | Expo |
react-native-blob-util | expo-file-system |
String identifying which package, stream-chat-react-native
or stream-chat-expo
, is being used.
React Native CLI | Expo |
stream-chat-react-native | stream-chat-expo |
An function to copy strings or text in the message.
React Native CLI | Expo |
react-native-clipboard | expo-clipboard |
A function to provide a given image to the native sharing functionality of the OS.
React Native CLI | Expo |
react-native-blob-util & react-native-share | expo-file-system & expo-sharing |
A function that opens the OS specific camera and allows you to capture an image or record a video and returns the image/video when one is taken.
On iOS, the same camera instance can be used to capture image and video by switching tabs.
On Android, the camera instance is different for image and video capture and it you can trigger the camera or video recorder by passing the mediaType
parameter as image
or video
React Native CLI | Expo |
react-native-image-picker | expo-image-picker |
A function to trigger haptic feedback given the type of haptic force desired.
React Native CLI | Expo |
react-native-haptic-feedback | expo-haptics |
A component that renders the Sound/Audio on the message attachment.
React Native CLI | Expo |
react-native-video | expo-av |
A component that renders the Video on the ImageGallery when an video attachment is opened.
React Native CLI | Expo |
react-native-video | expo-av |