This is documentation for Stream Chat Flutter SDK v7, which is nolonger actively maintained. For up-to-date documentation, see the latest version (v9).


This guide enumerates and better explains the SDK changes introduced in v8.

If you find any bugs or have any questions, please file an issue on our GitHub repository. We want to support you as much as we can with this migration.

Code examples:

Our documentation has also been updated to support v8, so all guides and examples will have updated code.


To migrate to v8.0.0, update your pubspec.yaml with the correct Stream chat package you’re using:

	stream_chat_flutter: ^8.0.0 # full UI, core and client packages
	stream_chat: ^8.0.0 # client package

Important notes

  • The package from recent versions has been restricted to Flutter 3.19+ as we generally aim to support the latest and the previous version of Flutter when possible.

  • The attachmentBuilders parameter in the StreamMessageListView now only expect custom attachments and does not need the default attachment builders. You can also use StreamAttachmentWidgetBuilder.defaultBuilders to add the default builders if necessary.

Breaking changes

Version 8.0 has two main breaking changes.

Removal of the useMaterial3 flag

In v7, we introduced a temporary useMaterial3 flag that allows users to optionally use Material3 styling in Stream components. This was necessary at the time for various reasons.

However, this flag is now removed and Material3 will be the default styling for all components.

Connectivity stream changes

While this is a not directly a user-facing change, it is added here for completeness of the list.

The StreamChat widget has a connectivityStream parameter to allow testing of various scenarios. Due to changes in the relevant package, it was necessary to change the type of the stream from Stream<ConnectivityResult>? to Stream<List<ConnectivityResult>>?.

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