var _userBloc_ = UsersBloc.of(context);
A Widget Dedicated To The Management Of A Users List With Pagination.
Most widgets in the Core SDK are focused on fetching a particular type of object from Stream Chat - channels, messages, users, etc. The BLoC widgets bundle up the base functions used to fetch data as well as the current data fetched by the respective functions. Furthermore, the Core widgets use this BLoC to fetch new or existing data and build UI based on it.
All Core and UI widgets which focus on fetching a list of objects need to have their respective functions above them in the widget tree. The UserListCore and UserListView require the UserListCore above them in the widget hierarchy without which they will fail.
Understanding The Widget
can be accessed at anytime by using the static .of
using Flutter’s BuildContext
The UsersBloc
widget encapsulates common functionality related to user lists and also supplies them down the widget tree.
Here is a basic implementation of UsersBloc
child: // Further Widget Tree