This is documentation for Stream Chat Android SDK v5, which is nolonger actively maintained. For up-to-date documentation, see the latest version (v6).

Moderation Tools

Moderation tools are features you can use to moderate a channel by detecting unwanted content and restricting the users that create the unwanted content.

Flagging a Message or a User

Any user is allowed to flag a message or a user. Flagging does not perform any particular action on the chat. The API will only trigger the related webhook event and make the message appear on your Dashboard Chat Moderation view.

client.flagMessage("message-id").enqueue { result -> 
    if (result.isSuccess) { 
        // Message was flagged 
        val flag: Flag = 
    } else { 
        // Handle result.error() 
client.flagUser("user-id").enqueue { result -> 
    if (result.isSuccess) { 
        // User was flagged 
        val flag: Flag = 
    } else { 
        // Handle result.error() 

Muting a User

Any user is allowed to mute another user. Mutes are stored at user level and returned with the rest of the user information when connectUser is called. A user will be muted until the user is unmuted or the mute is expired.

client.muteUser("user-id").enqueue { result -> 
    if (result.isSuccess) { 
        // User was muted 
        val mute: Mute = 
    } else { 
        // Handle result.error() 

// Mute user for 60 minutes
client.muteUser("user-id", timeout = 60)
    .enqueue { result: Result<Unit> ->
        if (result.isSuccess) {
            // User was muted
            val mute: Mute = 
        } else {
            // Handle result.error() 
client.unmuteUser("user-id").enqueue { result -> 
    if (result.isSuccess) { 
        // User was unmuted 
    } else { 
        // Handle result.error() 

After muting a user messages will still be delivered via web-socket. Implementing business logic such as hiding messages from muted users or display them differently is left to the developer to implement.

Messages from muted users are not delivered via push (APN/Firebase)

Banning Users

Users can be banned from an app entirely or just from a single channel. When a user is banned, they will not be allowed to post messages until the ban is removed or expired but they will be able to connect to Chat and to channels as before.

In most cases, only admins or moderators are allowed to ban other users from a channel.

timeoutIntThe timeout in minutes until the ban is automatically limit
reasonStringThe reason that the ban was created.

Banning a user from all channels can only be done using server-side auth.

// Ban user for 60 minutes from a channel 
channelClient.banUser(targetId = "user-id", reason = "Bad words", timeout = 60).enqueue { result -> 
    if (result.isSuccess) { 
        // User was banned 
    } else { 
        // Handle result.error() 
channelClient.unBanUser(targetId = "user-id").enqueue { result -> 
    if (result.isSuccess) { 
        // User was unbanned 
    } else { 
        // Handle result.error() 

Shadow Banning a User

Users can be shadow banned from an app entirely or just from a single channel. When a user is shadow banned, they will still be allowed to post messages, but any message sent during, will have shadowed: true field.

It’s up to the client-side implementation to handle shadowed messages appropriately.

// Shadow ban user for 60 minutes from a channel 
channelClient.shadowBanUser(targetId = "user-id", reason = "Bad words", timeout = 60).enqueue { result -> 
     if (result.isSuccess) { 
         // User was shadow banned 
     } else { 
         // Handle result.error() 
channelClient.removeShadowBan("user-id").enqueue { result -> 
    if (result.isSuccess) { 
        // Shadow ban was removed 
    } else { 
        // Handle result.error() 

Administrators can view shadow banned user status in queryChannels(), queryMembers() and queryUsers().

Retrieving Banned Users

Banned users can be retrieved in different ways:

  1. Using the dedicated query bans endpoint
  2. User Search: you can add the banned:true condition to your search. Please note that this will only return users that were banned at the app-level and not the ones that were banned only in channels.
// retrieve the list of banned users 
        filter = Filters.eq("banned", true), 
        offset = 0, 
        limit = 10, 
).enqueue { result -> 
    if (result.isSuccess) { 
       val users: List<User> = 
   } else { 
       // Handle result.error() 
// Query for banned members from one channel 
client.queryBannedUsers(filter = Filters.eq("channel_cid", "ChannelType:ChannelId")).enqueue { result -> 
    if (result.isSuccess) { 
        val bannedUsers: List<BannedUser> = 
    } else { 
        // Handle result.error() 

Retrieving Banned Users From Specific Channels

You can list banned users from a specific channel using the query banned users endpoint which allows you to get paginated results:

// Get the bans for channel livestream:123 in descending order
    sort = QuerySort.desc(BannedUsersSort::createdAt),
).enqueue { result ->
    if (result.isSuccess) {
        val bannedUsers: List<BannedUser> =
    } else {
        // Handle result.error()

// Get the page of bans which where created before or equal date for the same channel
    filter = Filters.eq("channel_cid", "livestream:123"),
    sort = QuerySort.desc(BannedUsersSort::createdAt),
    createdAtBeforeOrEqual = Date(),
).enqueue { result ->
    if (result.isSuccess) {
        val bannedUsers: List<BannedUser> =
    } else {
        // Handle result.error()

You can also use in filter to query banned users from multiple channels:

    filter = Filters.`in`("channel_cid", listOf("livestream:123", "livestream:456")),
    sort = QuerySort.desc(BannedUsersSort::createdAt),
    createdAtBeforeOrEqual = Date(),
).enqueue { result ->
    if (result.isSuccess) {
        val bannedUsers: List<BannedUser> =
    } else {
        // Handle result.error()
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