
The most common use case for client-level events is unread counts. Here’s an example of a complete unread count integration for your chat app. As a first step we get the unread count when the user connects:

let currentUserController = client.currentUserController()

class CurrentUserDelegate: CurrentChatUserControllerDelegate {
  func currentUserController(_ controller: CurrentChatUserController,
                didChangeCurrentUserUnreadCount: UnreadCount) {
    // handle unread count change

// We need to keep a strong reference to delegate
// since controller only keeps a weak reference
let delegate = CurrentUserDelegate()
currentUserController.delegate = delegate


By default the UI component SDKs (React, React Native, …) mark messages as read automatically when the channel is visible. You can also make the call manually like this:

let channelController = client.channelController(for: .init(type: .messaging, id: "general"))


While you’re using the app, the unread count can change. A user can be added to a channel, a new message can be created, or the user can mark the messages as seen on another tab/device.

Unread counts are only stored and returned at connection time for channel members.

The markRead function can also be executed server-side by passing a user ID as shown in the example below:

// mark all messages on a channel as read (server side)
await channel.markRead({ user_id: "foo" });

It’s also possible to mark an already read message as unread:

channelController.markUnread(from: "message-id") { result in
  // …

The mark unread operation can also be executed server-side by passing a user ID:

await channel.markUnread({ message_id: "<message_id>", user_id: "<user_id>" });

To support updating the unread count in real-time, you can listen to these events:

  • notification.message_new

  • notification.mark_read

  • notification.mark_unread

These two events include the fields total_unread_count and unread_channels. You can listen to them all at once like this:

let currentUserController = client.currentUserController()

class CurrentUserDelegate: CurrentChatUserControllerDelegate {
  func currentUserController(_ controller: CurrentChatUserController,
                didChangeCurrentUserUnreadCount: UnreadCount) {
    // handle unread count change

// We need to keep a strong reference to delegate
// since controller only keeps a weak reference
let delegate = CurentUserDelegate()
currentUserController.delegate = delegate


Fetch Unread API

The unread endpoint can fetch unread counts server-side, eliminating the need for a client-side connection. It can also be used client-side without requiring a persistent connection to the chat service. This can be useful for including an unread count in notifications or for gently polling when a user loads the application to keep the client up to date without loading up the entire chat.

A user_id whose unread count is fetched through this method is automatically counted as a Monthly Active User. This may affect your bill.

const response = await client.getUnreadCount(userID);
console.log(response.total_unread_count); // total unread count for user
console.log(response.channels); // distribution of unread counts across channels
console.log(response.channel_type); // distribution of unread counts across channel types
console.log(response.total_unread_threads_count); // total unread threads
console.log(response.threads); // list of unread counts per thread

This endpoint will return the last 100 unread channels, they are sorted by last_message_at.

Batch Fetch Unread API

The batch unread endpoint works the same way as the non-batch version with the exception that it can handle multiple user IDs at once and that it is restricted to server-side only.

const response = await client.getUnreadCountBatch([userID1, userID2]);
console.log(response.counts_by_user[userID1].total_unread_count); // total unread count for userID1
console.log(response.counts_by_user[userID1].channels); // distribution of unread counts across channels for userID1
console.log(response.counts_by_user[userID1].channel_type); // distribution of unread counts across channel types for userID1
console.log(response.counts_by_user[userID1].total_unread_threads_count); // total unread threads count for userID1
console.log(response.counts_by_user[userID1].threads); // list of unread counts per thread for userID1

If a user ID is not returned in the response then the API couldnt find a user with that ID

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