Tutorials: Node Chat

How to Create a Chatbot with Android Studio and Dialogflow

Communicating with a chatbot can be a frustrating experience. However, with advances in machine learning and artificial intelligence, there is no excuse for not providing a positive experience for chat users. These advances allow machines and computers to process, understand, and reply to human messages in a genuinely useful way to the human contacting your
14 min read

Build an Encrypted Messaging App for Android

In this tutorial, we'll build an encrypted chat/messaging example app for Android. To do this, we will combine the Stream Chat Platform and Virgil Security. Stream and Virgil make it easy to build a solution with excellent security by combining all of the features you would expect as a developer when creating a messaging app.
8 min read

How to Build a Terminal Chat App

Let's create a functional chat interface right in the terminal with Node.js! Although building a chat app is no small task, with the help of Stream's fully featured Chat API, it'll only take a few lines of code, as you'll see. Prerequisites Before proceeding with this tutorial, make sure you have Node.js and Yarn installed
4 min read

Processing Webhooks with Stream Chat, Lambda, and Node.js

In this tutorial, we will show you how to process webhooks to send a message to a Slack channel! Here at Stream, we are big fans of Chat. With our chat API, we offer a webhook so that you can relay data to an endpoint of your choice. Webhooks are an excellent way to make
5 min read

Build a Chat App with Stream & Kong

Managing microservices manually can get very complicated and takes the focus away from business logic. API gateways help take care of the various collective management and housekeeping tasks necessary for running microservices. One of the most popular API gateways is Kong. As the illustration below shows, Kong takes care of the tedious tasks involved in
5 min read

Building Real-Time Live-Stream Chat With Wowza

Wowza provides users with the ability to stream live video. Trusted by over 24,000 organizations to power video streaming, they offer an extremely flexible platform that’s easy to use for even the most novice streamer. This post is still useful, but out of date. Stream now offers a Live Video Streaming API! My team at
6 min read

Using Stream's Real-Time Messaging API with Amazon Translate

Is your chat going global? Worry less about the language barrier when you pair Amazon Translate with our real-time messaging API. When powering a chat product in a global environment, multilingual support should be top-of-mind. Doing so allows you to ensure that the communication barrier between yourself and the user on the other end is
8 min read

Adding Chatbots to Your Stream Chat App Using Google’s Dialogflow

Most tasks are repetitive and time-consuming. What if we could use a bot to help in doing the tasks instead? This will hugely increase productivity. Chatbots are fantastic for this.  In this tutorial, I’ll walk you through steps to adding a chatbot to your Stream Chat app using Dialogflow and Vue. At the end of
13 min read