
Tracking Engagements

The snippet below shows an example of how to track engagements. Engagement examples include likes, comments, profile views and link clicks.

await analytics.trackEngagement(
   // the label for the engagement, ie click, retweet etc.
   label: 'click',
   content: Content(
     // the ID of the content that the user clicked
     foreignId: FeedId.id('tweet:34349698')),
   // score between 0 and 100 indicating the importance of this event
   // IE. a like is typically a more significant indicator than a click
   score: 2,

   // (optional) the position in a list of activities
   position: 3,
   userData: const UserData('test', 'test'),
   // (optional) the feed the user is looking at
   feedId: FeedId('user', 'thierry'),
   // (optional) the location in your app. ie email, profile page etc
   location: 'profile_page',


labelstringThe type of event (i.e. click, share, search, etc.)-
contentstring or objectThe content the engagement related to, either as an ID or content object.-
scorestringA score between 0 and 100 indicating the importance of an event.-
positionstringThe placement in a list of activities, starting at 0.-
feed_idstringThe specific feed the user is viewing-
locationstringThe page in your app (i.e. email, homepage, profile page, etc.)-
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