
The code below shows how to install Stream’s Analytics SDK:

// download the latest release from here:

Include the above code snippet in the <head></head> section of your page.

JavaScript is loaded asynchronously for optimal performance.

Using CommonJS Modules

If you’re using CommonJS modules, run the following command in your project directory:

npm install stream-analytics --save

After installing the package, require it in your app:

const StreamAnalytics = require("stream-analytics");

Client Setup

The snippet below shows you how to initialize Stream’s analytics client:

const client = new StreamAnalytics({
  apiKey: "{{ api_key }}",
  token: "{{ analytics_token }}",

// Above snippet uses US by default, you can also set to other regions.
// dublin
const client = new StreamAnalytics({
  baseUrl: "",
  apiKey: "{{ api_key }}",
  token: "{{ analytics_token }}",

Bind the service in your application’s manifest.xml :

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />

Always specify the current user before sending events:

// user id and a friendly alias for easier to read reports
client.setUser({ id: 486892, alias: "Julian" });
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